Danland demo site (we turn off all jQuery plugins).
Danland is very suitable for all types of websites; from corporate site to blog site, and it works perfectly in every browser; tested in IE6/7, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
This theme includes an image slideshow or photo slideshow feature on the standard installation, where this feature is still rarely included in the standard installation of Drupal themes.
Features of Danland 2.x:
- 1, 2 or 3 column layout
- Tableless design for SEO
- 17 collapsible block regions
- Superfish drop-down menu (2, 3 or more nested levels) and the shadow is enabled by default
- Built-in image slideshow (the frontpage wide image banner)
- Built-in IE transparent PNG fix
- Custom front page
- Wide image banner 950x355px. You can replace with your own photo for custom look
- User picture in profile, comments and post
- Primary links and secondary links
- Supports custom logo and favicon
- Support features like site name, slogan, mission.
- Custom login and logout
- Heading H1 optimization for SEO
- Support for local.css
- CiviCRM friendly
- Complete online documentation
- Danblog is Danland without frontpage image banner and slideshow features, and we also change the global font-family from Arial to Verdana.
Before creating a new issue (i.e. support requests), please read the Danland handbook first, and please check the Issues for Danland page whether your problem has been reported or solved.
Plugins we use:
- jQuery Cycle Plugin by M. Alsup
- jQuery pngFix Plugin by Andreas Eberhard
- jQuery Superfish Plugin by Joel Birch
Now Danland already reached version 2.x. In this version we are doing a lot of changes.
- We rewrite the CSS for better understanding for the end-user (i.e. we remove ids and classes like #wrapper-front and leave ids or classes like #wrapper).
- We change the words "banner" to "slideshow" in each code and folder. Read this to find out why.
- We enabled the shadow of the Superfish menu and integrating the Superfish CSS to style.css.
- We add three more blocks (Bottom first, Bottom middle, and Bottom last).
- We change the hierarchy of scripts and others for easy to manage it.
- We changed some parts of the sub-theme for better display.
- We theming the pager (not too fancy, just giving you a clue).
- And many other small changes.
source: http://drupal.org/project/danland