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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Langkah Mudah Gangguan Koneksi Internet/Easy Troubleshooting Steps for Internet

Modem Check
Pengecekan Modem

1. If online/cable indicator at modem is flashing irregularly, please unplug and plug coaxial cable and power cable to reset your modem
Jika lampu online/cable di modem tidak menyala solid, cabut dan pasang kembali kabel coaxial dan kabel power untuk mereset modem.
2. For Motorola modem, ensure the modem is not on stand-by mode by pressing the stand-by button on top of the modem.
Untuk modem Motorola, jika hanya lampu stand-by yang menyala, tekan tombol stand-by di atas modem.
3. If all indicators at modem are off, there might be a problem with your modem.
Jika semua lampu modem mati, kemungkinan ada masalah dengan modem Anda.

Modem to Computer Connection Check
Pengecekan Koneksi dari Modem ke komputer

1. If PC Activity indicator in your modem is off, please unplug and plug cable from modem to computer (Ethernet/USB cable).
Jika lampu PC activity di modem mati, cabut dan pasang kembali kabel dari modem ke komputer (kabel Ethernet/USB).
2. If you are using Ethernet cable, ensure the Local Area Connection status is connected (not disconnect/disable).
Jika menggunakan kabel Ethernet, pastikan status Local Area Connection Anda connected (tidak disconnect/disable).
3. If you are using USB cable, ensure the driver is properly installed.
Jika menggunakan kabel USB, pastikan driver sudah terinstall dengan baik.
4. If your PC Activity indicator is flashing regularly, connection from modem to computer is normal.
Jika lampu PC activity menyala blinking, artinya tidak ada masalah koneksi dari modem ke komputer

Computer Setting Check
Pengecekan Setting di Komputer

1 Ensure Internet Connection setting is proper according to the below:
Pastikan bahwa setting Internet Connection sudah sesuai dengan langkah di bawah:

* At Windows Desktop, click Start then choose Control Panel.
Pada Windows Desktop, click Start dan kemudian pilih Control Panel
* Double click at Internet Option icon, choose tab Connections.
Double click icon Internet Option, pilih tab Connections.
* Ensure the box is empty in "dial up and VPN setting" box, or choose "never dial a connection"
Pastikan kosong di kotak "dial up and VPN setting", atau pilih "never dial a connection".
2 Ensure TCP/IP setting is proper according to the below:
Pastikan bahwa setting TCP/IP di komputer sudah sesuai dengan langkah di bawah:

* At Windows Desktop, click Start and choose Control Panel.
Pada Windows Desktop, click Start dan kemudian pilih Control Panel.
* Double click Network icon, then choose Local Area Connection.
Double click icon Network, kemudian pilih Local Area Connection.
* Click right at Local Area Connection, choose Properties, then choose tab General.
Click kanan di Local Area Connection, pilih Properties, kemudian pilih tab General.
* Ensure Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) was checked.
Pastikan Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) dipilih (di-checked).
* Choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties
Pilih Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) dan click Properties.
* Choose "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically".
Pilih "Obtain an IP address automatically" dan "Obtain DNS server address automatically".
* Click OK.
Setelah selesai, click OK.

Problem After PC/ Equipment Change
Gangguan Setelah Penggantian Perangkat yang Terhubung dengan Modem

* Please unplug and plug modem power cable to reset your modem after any replacement of PC/other equipment which is connected to the modem.
Jika Anda baru mengganti komputer/perangkat yang terhubung ke modem, cabut dan pasang kembali kabel power untuk mereset modem.

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